The HR and Leadership Spotlight Show
The HR and Leadership Spotlight Show
What the heck is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training? Featuring DEI trainer Dee Nelson
DEI training is in the news and is in many companies. But what is it and what actually happens in a DEI class. Some people are scared...some are offended...some are confused...and some truly want to understand. My guest Dee Nelson Streete, lays it all out with the answers!
Dee is a returning guest and author of the book "From Six Figures to Food Stamps to Six Figures" returns to THE Leadership Spotlight Show with answers! She is an HR consultant and helps people and companies understand what DEI is and why it is important. Do not miss this important and enlightening interview.
The HR and Leadership Spotlight Show features Leaders - HR Professionals, Consultants, Coaches, Entrepreneurs, and Business Owners with a leadership message to share.
Today's show is sponsored by If your organization has Human Resources challenges...we can help! If you would like to sponsor an episode on the HR and Leadership Spotlight Show contact us though the webpage or message us directly.
The HR and Leadership Spotlight Show features Leaders - HR Professionals, Consultants, Coaches, Entrepreneurs, and Business Owners with a leadership message to share.
The HR and Leadership Spotlight Show is sponsored by Alliance HR Partners Consulting. If your organization needs HR help, go to
Also, check out our NEW BOOK –The Ultimate Book of HR Checklists – Getting HR Right: Your Step-by-Step Reference for Avoiding Costly Mistakes
Listen to the our other show - HR Stories Podcast – where the lesson is in the story
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